Robotics. Artificial intelligence. ASIMOV'S predictions...

In the next weeks we'll be reading one of Isaac Asimov's best selling books: I, Robot. Robotics was one of his greater interests and he formulated the three Laws governing their behaviour.
In class we have learnt a bit about this scientist and writer who predicted the new era of learning coming up with internet. I suggest you to watch and listen to this interview again.

Also you can follow the link to watch the programme: Más ciencia que ficción. Viviendo con robots. RTVE.

What do you think about your/ our future? Can you answer the questions below?

  • How do you imagine the future?
  • What will life be like in the next 20 years?
  • Will robots replace directors, bosses in different professional jobs?
  • What would you prefer? Are humans less reliable than robots?

Follow the link from BBC TEACH and we'll learn a bit about micro bit.


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