Oral presentations
This term your oral practice will be assessed by giving an oral presentation in class.
The deadline will be wednesday 27th march (for 2º Bachillerato) and thursday 28th march (1º Bachillerato and 4º ESO) for the written report (you should use digital media). The presentations will take place during the week going from 1st to 5th april.
4º ESO
As I have explained in class you can work either individually by introducing a topic related to technology and innovation or in pairs with a debate on a relevant issue where you two will take two different roles and points of view.
1º / 2º BCH
You can choose any topics you may find interesting or relevant to the class as we'll start a debate after the presentation. You can work individually or in groups of two or three.
You can either:
- choose a video (it shouldn't take more than 10') to support the issue of your interested in, include questions before and understanding questions after that and then start a short debate interacting with your audience.
- or prepare a presentation of your own. It may be a debate, the presentation of a product to be sold, a mini-dramatization of whatever you've in mind... Feel free!
Here you are the evaluation criteria to assess your projects.
Wow, these are very easy steps and useful for me..I really like and I follow these steps. Thanks. For improving presentation skills the presentation skills course helps a lot..Join now.